Parallel and Perpendicular Lesson Plan

Subject area:  Mathematics
Grade level:  3rd Grade
MN math standards: Identify parallel and perpendicular lines in various contexts, and use them to describe and create geometric shapes, such as right triangles, rectangles, parallelograms and trapezoids.

Objectives:  For students to identify parallel and perpendicular lines and create geometric shapes to describe them.
Time to be used:  40 minutes
List of materials: 
·         Pencil
·         Notebooks
·         Geometric shapes for each table

Teaching process:
Before the lesson:
·         Align the smartboard and have the lesson open with the screen on mute  (
·         Ask the students what they know about lines and angles.
·         Have students get out their math notebooks and sit in front of the smartboard on the floor.

During the lesson:
·         Put the smartboard screen off mute and skip to page 3 of the lesson.
·         Read off the slides about lines and angles explaining what they are.
·         On page 6 of the smartboard lesson, have students volunteer go up to the board and mark on the pictures the abbreviations provided.
·         Go to page 8 and read off the slide about the different types of lines such as parallel and perpendicular.
·         Ask students if they can think of shapes that have parallel lines and draw them in their notebook.
·         Have the students draw a shape that have perpendicular lines in their notebooks.
·         Finish going through the smartboard slides and then tell the students to go back to their seat.
·         Have students go up to the front of the room and grab a bag of geometric shapes for their tables.
·         Have all groups identify together what kinds of lines are in each shape. Have them draw it in their notebooks and then write what type of line it has next to it.
·         Once the students are all done, have them put away the geometric shapes and sit in their seats quietly.

After the lesson:
·         Ask students what they learned today.
·         Ask them what parallel and perpendicular lines look like.
·         Ask them what shapes have parallel lines and perpendicular lines.
·         Ask the students how we can tell what lines shapes have in them.

Assessment: Draw a picture of a square on the doc camera and ask the students to write on a piece of paper what kind of lines it uses, then turn it in.
Closure: Today we learned what parallel and perpendicular lines are and what shapes use them, but tomorrow we are going to sketch polygons in class.