Book List For Your Elementary Classroom Library

Title: No More Cookies!
Author: Paeony Lewis
Illustrator: Brita Granstrom
Year Published: 2005
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: Asian
Age/Grade Level: 4-8 year olds
Topic: Cookies
A young girl with her friend monkey want a cookie but her mother won’t let her so they try to think of ways to get one.

Title: The Family Book
Author: Todd Parr
Illustrator: Todd Parr
Year Published: 2003
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: White, Black, Native American, Gender sexual orientation
Age/Grade Level: 4-8 year olds
Topic: Families
This book covers that all families are different and that your family is special no matter what.

Title: It’s Okay To Be Different
Author: Todd Parr
Illustrator: Todd Parr
Year Published: 2009
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: White, Black, Asian, Native American, Latino, Disabilities
Age/Grade Level: 4-8 year olds
Topic: Everyone’s different
This book says no matter what you are, you are special and important.

Title: Me Hungry!
Author: Jeremy Tankard
Illustrator: Jeremy Tankard
Year Published: 2009
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: White
Age/Grade Level: K-2
Topic: Friends and food
A boy is hungry so he goes hunting but can’t catch anything so he makes a friend who helps him get an apple.

Title: What Teachers Can’t Do
Author: Douglas Wood
Illustrator: Doug Cushman
Year Published: 2002
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: Middle Class
Age/Grade Level: 4-8 year olds
Topic: Teachers
This book tells what teachers can’t do in school but in the end it sends the message that teachers are best at what they do.

Title: Grumpy Bird
Author: Jeremy Tankard
Illustrator: Jeremy Tankard
Year Published: 2007
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: Middle Class
Age/Grade Level: K-1
Topic: Friends
A grumpy bird walks through the woods when all his friends want to follow him.

Title: Elizabeth and Larry
Author: Marilyn Sadler
Illustrator: Roger Bollen
Year Published: 1992
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: White
Age/Grade Level: 4-8 year olds
Topic: Friendship
This book is about a woman who was shipped an alligator in the mail by accident and become best friends.

Title: David Gets in Trouble
Author: David Shannon
Illustrator: David Shannon
Year Published: 2002
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: White
Age/Grade Level: 4-8 year olds
Topic: Making excuses
This book is about a boy who is naughty and makes excuses to his mother.

Title: No, David!
Author: David Shannon
Illustrator: David Shannon
Year Published: 1998
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: White
Age/Grade Level: 4-8 year olds
Topic: Trouble Maker
This book is about a boy who gets in trouble all the time with his mom but in the end she still loves him.

Title: Ocean Parade
Author: Patricia MacCarthy
Illustrator: Patricia MacCarthy
Year Published: 1990
Type: Picture book
Culture/Diversity: Middle Class
Age/Grade Level: 3-7 year olds
Topic: Counting
This book is about counting things that live in the ocean-goes up to 100.