Elementary Racism Lesson Plan
Looking for a racism lesson plan for a language artsunit? Here you will find day four of the 5 day unitlesson plans for 3rd grade. It's important to start young for teaching about racism and discrimination in your classrooms. Incorporate a hands on activityas well as a good book to read.
Racism Lesson
Goals: The students will learn about the different kinds of paragraphs such as description, compare and contrast, evaluation, and definition. They will also learn examples of how people show prejudice or racism towards one another.
Time Required: 50 minutes-1 hour
Materials: Copies of the stories "Andrea The Penguin," and "Struggles" for all the students. Students will need paper and a pencil to write.
Introduction: The teacher will explain that there are different kinds of paragraphs they can write. First address description ("In a description paragraph, you are writing about what a person, place, or thing is like. Sometimes, you may describe where a place is located.") Second is compare and contrast ("In a compare and contrast paragraph, you write about the similarities and differences between two or more people, places, things, or ideas.") The third type to discuss is definition ("When writing a definition paragraph, you take a thing or an idea and explain what it is.")(5 minutes)
Time Required: 50 minutes-1 hour
Materials: Copies of the stories "Andrea The Penguin," and "Struggles" for all the students. Students will need paper and a pencil to write.
Introduction: The teacher will explain that there are different kinds of paragraphs they can write. First address description ("In a description paragraph, you are writing about what a person, place, or thing is like. Sometimes, you may describe where a place is located.") Second is compare and contrast ("In a compare and contrast paragraph, you write about the similarities and differences between two or more people, places, things, or ideas.") The third type to discuss is definition ("When writing a definition paragraph, you take a thing or an idea and explain what it is.")(5 minutes)
Methods/Procedures: The teacher will pass out the copies of the stories ("Andrea the Penguin" and "Struggles") to each student. The teacher should tell them to read these stories and afterwards they will have to write two "compare and contrast" paragraphs. They will need to explain all the differences and similarities between these stories. After they are done with their paragraphs, they will share what they wrote with the class and have a group discussion. Explain that by excluding Andrea and making fun of the way the two Asian American characters look and talk are racist. Ask the students if they have ever seen or heard people being racist or prejudice. Then ask if they can give examples of how people may be showing prejudice/ racism. Answers could include but are not limited to: teasing people because they speak a different language, calling people names because of skin color, ignoring someone because they look different, or making fun of someone's accent etc. (25-30 minutes)
Closure: Review what racism and prejudice means (not just being "mean" to anyone). Ask what they can do to help stop racism and prejudice in school. Separate the class into 5-6 groups and have them make a list (writing in complete sentences) on actions or things that they can do to make the school a safer and better environment for everyone. (15 minutes)
Assessment/ Evaluation: The teacher will evaluate the student's paragraphs and sentences on their plan of action (proper grammar, punctuation, structured, etc.) The teacher may also evaluate their participation in the discussion.
Assessment/ Evaluation: The teacher will evaluate the student's paragraphs and sentences on their plan of action (proper grammar, punctuation, structured, etc.) The teacher may also evaluate their participation in the discussion.